【母親節報喜】胡杏兒宣布造人成功︰很期待和你見面 (14:39)



杏兒留言說︰「Happy Mother's Day to all mothers in the world (including me)! We are so blessed to let you all know that Little Lee is on the way. Little baby Lee is already doing sit ups in my tummy, yes, mummy and daddy can't wait to see you too!! 今年的母親節太特別了,感恩上天送給我們的禮物,感覺好奇妙。我們的李寶寶已經迫不急待在我肚子裏做起仰臥起坐了,寶寶再等一下,爸爸和媽媽也很期待和你見面呢!!」

Philip亦在網上留言祝老婆的首個母親節快樂,他說︰「Happy Mothers Day to the most beautiful mother to be. 老婆,第一個母親節快樂! We cannot wait to see you! So for now I will just try to listen to your little heartbeat﹗」
