【母女團聚】吳綺莉女兒吳卓林感觸留言:死過翻生 (17:58)



卓林在IG發表個人感言:「Well... Been too long 75 days but I've finally risen from the dead- it's been the longest hardest 3 months and only a few will know what really happened- other will only know what they've been told - It no longer matters to me what stories been told since I've disappeared. Too much has happened too much to convey... all I can say is A BIXXH IS BACK and ready to cause more trouble ( jk) lmao now time to listen to two months worth of missed music and catch up on dem fresh memes.」大致意思是「嗯,漫長的75天,我最終又死過翻生 - 這是最長、最難過的3個月,只有少數幾個人知道真正發生了什麼事 - 其他人只會知道被告知的事-自我消失後,被人說成什麼故事,對我來說已不再重要。太多事發生太多事要表達 ... 我只能說一個「BIXXH」回來了,而且準備製造更多麻煩(說笑)。現在是時候聽回這兩個月錯過了的音樂,以及趕上最新的網絡熱話。」卓林識得講笑,兩母女嘅生活,應該可以回歸平靜了。
