【終於返港】李施嬅溫哥華獲好友幫忙:感受到人間有情 (18:45)


李施嬅早前飛往加拿大為劇集《Blood and Water》開工,豈料撞正新冠肺炎肆虐全球,劇組要停工;施嬅幾經辛苦終於買到機票,抵達溫哥華便準備坐飛機返香港。

返港前,施嬅在instagram拍片,分享她住在溫哥華某酒店的短片。片中戴了口罩的施嬅表示,整間酒店似是處於「關閉」狀態,很多餐廳﹑健身房﹑Spa都沒有開門營業,她表示:「一個人都沒有。」她指甚至連room service也沒有:「因為沒有廚(師)在酒店,沒有人煮食。」施嬅稱Cafe只剩麵包﹑咖啡等少量食物,不過她當地一位朋友知道她的情況,便帶了大堆零食﹑杯麵及果汁給她醫肚,更將私家車留下讓施嬅使用,以及暫住對方屋企數天,令施嬅感受到人間有情。不過,施嬅婉拒對方美意,因為朋友家有小孩,她不想影響到小朋友,所以決定今次暫不見面。



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My past few days here made me realize that some people don’t take this pandemic seriously. It’s worrying. Maybe some people don’t know the severity of the coronavirus. But this is not simply a health matter. Businesses are shutting down, people are getting laid off and losing their jobs, some people won’t be able to pay next month‘s rent or mortgage, children are not getting their education, the economy is going downhill...The situation won’t get better until EVERY PERSON takes this matter seriously. Canada Has Over 1000 cases now. We can make it stop now, or this can drag on and everyone will continue to suffer, lose their income and freedom for months ahead. Please isolate, and maintain social distancing. Say no to your friends who ask you to go out. It’s only 2 weeks of isolation...Or months of the city being shut down. YOUR country needs your help on this. We are in this together, with the world! . Please don’t blame or hate. Spread the word and educate people you know, they may really just don’t understand and need someone to tell them. Ps. I have already told my mom no more MAHJONG! 😛 And she is also sacrificing her favorite hobby for a bigger cause. . #coronavirusdays #DontBlameJustEducate #socialDistancing #goforAJogAlone #spendSomeTimeAlone #soonWeWillCelebrateInAGathering

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