【疑似爆粗後…】謝嘉怡努力學好廣東話 希望日後說話流暢 (23:31)



謝嘉怡剛剛在社交平台為此事發文作補充,她留言:「Sorry guys I have been a little quiet, still new to this social media thing!! However, I have been using these past few days to work hard on my Cantonese. My cousin is now staying with me, so I’ve been chatting a lot in Cantonese with her on my off time at night. She has also been helping me with my scripts, so in the future I will work hard to make them sound more smooth. Thank you for all the lovely messages, and I wish I could reply them all but hope you enjoy these photo from a few nights ago 🙈 Hope you all stay safe. ❤️」大致意思是她已努力學習廣東話中,最近有親戚陪伴她一起,會用廣東話跟她對話練習,希望日後出來說話流暢,並感謝大家給她的可愛留言。

相關新聞:出大騷忘記台詞疑台上爆粗 謝嘉怡澄清︰那是中文「服」字
