卓林右臉現紅印 女友Andi爆粗鬧阿媽虐待 (19:17)


吳綺莉女兒卓林與外籍女友Andi流落加拿大街頭,卓林早前更突然拍片上網尋父(成龍)。片中的卓林因為右邊臉上有疑似手指紅印,當時已惹來網民猜測,不知道她的臉是受傷了還是皮膚敏感。Andi今日突然在社交網發文,爆粗鬧被母親虐待。她寫著︰「I don't mind that there's no one, not family, nor friends, that care about my girlfriend and I, who have been abused and homeless, and managed to get back on our feet from the ground up, or the fact that police from both Hamilton and Toronto ignore my proof that my mother abused me. (我不介意沒有人,不是家人和朋友關心我和我女朋友被謾罵及無家可歸的情況,我們會設法重新振作。事實上,咸美頓及多倫多的警察也無視我證明母親虐待我的證據。」
