【賣甩個仔】結婚兩周年 陳智燊宋熙年「偷走」慶祝 (12:30)


陳智燊和宋熙年2016年在英國結婚,昨日(19日)正正是二人結婚兩周年,雖然兩公婆最近都忙於湊B,但趁住這個咁sweet的日子,他們都賣甩個仔,「偷走」出來享受二人世界。陳智燊上載了一張老婆的半身相,並說:「she's a bit special, she was my wife and now she's also the mother of my kid... she's amazing! #Happy2ndAnniversary #19092016 I know you guys miss her loads, I miss taking her photos and vlogging with her too...soon!」見正在坐月的宋熙年面上展現出一點幸福肥,但沒什麼走樣。她也留言回覆老公說很掛住刺身、雪糕和一些垃圾食物。

而宋熙年也上載了一張靠在老公膊頭的恩愛相,流露出一臉幸福,並笑言得到「get out of jail free card」(脫獄卡)逃離坐月期三個小時,可打扮靚靚,著上去高跟鞋和老公去慶祝,還說已五個月沒穿高跟鞋,她說:「Still in my confinement month, but I got the ‘get out of jail free’ card from hubby tonight for 3hrs, dolled myself up a little, and put on a nice pair of heels (which I haven't worn for 5months) ... why all the fuss? First it's to keep me sane, and secondly it's coz it's our 2nd wedding anniversary!!! Happy Anniversary Mr CHAN .... ok back to confinement!」最後還tag了「偷走」,十分搞笑。

