
【不受尊重?】關淑怡宣布退出樂壇:看到醜陋一面… (13:17)


現年53歲歌手關淑怡今日凌晨在Ig以英文接連發文,其中一句寫上「 I decided to quit my career」,意思決定退出樂壇,消息令人大感意外,事後有傳媒聯絡上關淑怡所屬的環球唱片公司,可是未有就此事作出回應。

關淑怡該段留言:「Thank you for all my fans n audience that have always been there for me n supports me. U dear. Some serious considerations. I decided to quit my career. I will not take blames or ruin my names n trigger my EQ.. sice, I sing to my audience n full fill my company contract. I did my job n my career is not just lucky, I had been respect n seriously taken my singing career n keep improving myself. Thank you everybody. I'm very disappointed. I saw the ugliest part of it. N I do deserve the least respect n dignity. That's a birth right!」大致內容是關淑怡感謝所有粉絲及觀眾的支持,經過認真考慮後決定結束她的歌唱事業,唱歌已履行公司合同,亦一直很尊重她的歌唱事業,可是感到非常失望,看到了其中最醜陋的部分,她確實應該得到尊重。

