分享紀念性時刻賀母親節 陳法拉去年出嫁由媽媽負責上頭 (15:15)


陳法拉今日在社交平台上載媽媽幫她進行上頭儀式的照片,藉此在母親節向媽媽表示愛意,還展示她去年嫁給法籍男友Emmanuel Straschnov時,原來亦有依足中國傳統,並由陳媽媽親自為愛女進行上頭儀式。

陳法拉開心留言:「This was taken the during the "hair brushing ceremony" a year ago. It's a tradition where the bride receives words of wisdom and to be groomed by her mother in her bedroom, on the night before tge wedding. One of most memorial mother-daughter moments of my life. Thank you my dearest mama for everything! I love you! #上頭儀式 #謝謝媽媽 #母親節快樂 #mothersday #wedding #memorablemoments」大致意思這是一年前舉行的上頭儀式,是她兩母女一生中最有紀念性時刻之一。

