
高以翔37歲冥壽 女友Bella發文懷念 (20:34)


台灣型男高以翔前年11月在內地錄影真人騷時不幸猝逝,終年35歲。今天(22日)是高以翔的37歲冥壽,他的生前女友Bella在社交網貼了多張和高以翔合照,以及和他慶祝生日的片段,她以英文寫道:「Happy birthday my Angel G. You taught me how to love myself. You taught me how to know my worth. You taught me to follow my heart. You taught me to always believe in the power of love.

And that's a lesson, I'll carry with me forever.How lucky I was and am, for having you in my life. I know one thing for sure, I'll always have your blessings and light shining upon me.(我的天使生日快樂,你教曉我如何愛自己。你教曉我如何知道我的價值。你教曉我跟隨我的心。你教曉我永遠相信愛的力量。我很幸運,因為我的生命中有你。我知道一件事,我永遠有你的祝福和光芒照在我身上。)」

