袁嘉敏「愚人節」爆Seed轟鍾培生:在鍾家一年是噩夢.... (14:29)


前港姐及曾拍過三級片的袁嘉敏(Candy),今天(4月1日)「愚人節」突然在Instagram限時動態貼相及爆seed,開名鬧爆鍾培生和他的爸爸鍾仁偉,並語帶激動炮轟:「I don't think I have ever publicly talked bad about someone. But these two guys Derek and Terence Cheung are absolute jerks, horrendous.(我未公開說過其他人壞話,但鍾培生和鍾仁偉這兩個人絕對是混蛋,太可怕!)」

另一張相,Candy轉貼鍾培生為父親慶祝生日的一家三口合照,她還疑公開了鍾家位於淺水灣5層高的豪宅,同時還上載了一個印有「鍾」字利市封的照片,並繼續以英文留言:「「I always try to see the goodness in people, try to be a friend who would listen and be there to help when needed. Sometimes it's fairly disappointing when people are so selfish, superficial and twisted. One year with the Cheung, what a nightmare.(我總是試圖看到人們的善良,努力成為一個願意聆聽,並在需要時提供幫助的朋友。當人們的自私、膚淺和扭曲,有時真令人失望,與姓鍾的一年,是一場噩夢。)」

及後Candy再貼出疑似天台照片,並寫道:「Thank you for all the breakfast, lunch and dinner, and the wine. Maybe I owe you two in my past life. No more long chats. I was too kind.(謝謝你們的早﹑午﹑晚餐,還有酒,也許我前世欠了你們。再沒有更多的聊天,我太善良了。)」
