【係時候講拜拜】上屆港姐季軍黃瑋琦臨別秋波 惜惜雷莊𠒇大表不捨 (15:58)


上屆港姐雷莊𠒇、何依婷和黃瑋琦(Emily)正式卸任,雷莊𠒇和Emily都事先揚言會離開無綫返家鄉繼續生活,Emily昨晚舉行告別派對,她在社交平台分享照片,相中Emily跟雷莊𠒇攬到實一實又互惜,並留言大表不捨,內容大概如下:「It’s almost time for us to say goodbye. One year ago, our friendship connected us into a lifelong sisterhood. We shared our love for McDonald’s, supported one another, & helped each other take the best Instagram photos! We watched the days pass side by side, whether they were happy or sad. We watched each other grow & shared memories, laughters, smiles, and tears. Can’t wait for our reunion, someday soon.(是我們說再見的時候了。 一年前,我們的友誼使我們成為終生的姐妹。我們分享了對麥當勞的愛,互相支持,並互相幫助拍攝最好的Instagram照片!無論日子是幸福還是悲傷,我們看著這些日子過去,我們看著對方成長並分享回憶、笑聲、微笑和眼淚。好期待我們再重聚的一天。)」
